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World TB Day

Tuberculosis is one of the deadliest and most infectious diseases in the world. But the biggest attribute that we have is the fact that it is preventable and curable. The biggest catch is making the TB vaccine accessible and increasing awareness on the ways to reduce the transmission of this disease.


To Raise Awareness About the Global Epidemic of Tuberculosis.

There are far too many diseases and illnesses that we battle through life. But there are a few diseases that manage to wreck the life of the patient, their family and lead to much more chaos than others. And one disease that tops this list has to be Tuberculosis (TB). TB is one of the top 10 causes of death across the world, and the World Health Organisation along with several other NGOs, activists and health clinics has taken a pledge to put an end to this disease.


Every year March 24 serves as a reminder of this goal and is commemorated as World Tuberculosis Day. World TB Day is an immensely important day in our battle against this deadly disease and is commemorated with great prowess across the world.

On this day, Dr Robert Koch announced his discovery of bacillus(Mycobacterium tuberculosis) to the scientific world in 1882. This bacteria is the leading cause of Tuberculosis and was unknown to humankind then. This discovery played a crucial role in gauging our journey in battling this disease. WHO Calls Tuberculosis as India’s Biggest Killer.

How is World TB Day Celebrated?

Today, people across the world utilise World TB Day to increase awareness on the susceptibility, symptoms and treatment of this disease. TB Day celebration is educating about the impact of this preventable and curable disease.

Every year there is a dedicated theme that sets the tone for the awareness communication of the observance.

Tuberculosis is one of the deadliest and most infectious diseases in the world. But the biggest attribute that we have is the fact that it is preventable and curable. The biggest catch is making the TB vaccine accessible and increasing awareness on the ways to reduce the transmission of this disease. All we can do is educate one new person on this terrifying disease.