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Ashtanhika Parv Starts

Jain festivals occur on designated days of the year. Jain festivals are either related to life events of Tirthankara or they are performed with intention of purification of soul.


There are many religious festivals in Jainism. Some of them are associated with five auspicious life events of Tirthankara known as Panch Kalyanaka. Jains celebrate many annual festivals. Many of the major festivals in Jainism fall in and around the chaomasa (Sanskrit: chaturmasa).

Paryushana Parva

It is one of the most important festival for Jains. Paryusana is formed by two words meaning 'a year' and 'a coming back'. This festival comes in the months of Shravana and Bhadrapat. It is also known as Das Lakshana Parva. It is a festival of repentance and forgiveness. Many Jains fast and carry out different religious activities. This festival is believed to remove accumulated karma of the previous year and develop control over new accumulating new karma, by following Jain austerities and other rituals. Discourses of Kalpa Sutra are given by monks which describes life of Mahavira and other Tirthankaras. Kshamavani is generally observed to ask for forgiveness from everybody for any acts during the previous year which may have hurt them.

Janma kalayana

This festival marks the birth of lord Mahavira. Procession is carried out and lectures on the message of Mahavira are presented. The idols of Mahavira are ceremonially bathed and rocked in a cradle.

Ashtanhika Parv

This is a Jain festival celebrated for eight days three times a year in the months of Kartika, Phalgun and Ashada. It is celebrated from eighth day of Shukla Paksha (Waxing moon Cycle) till Poornima/Guru Poornima every year.

Nandeeshwar Ashtanhika

The Nandeeshwar island is surrounded three mountain ranges called the Anjana mountain, the Dadhimukha mountain, and the Ratikara mountain. Jains Perform Special Pooja, SiddhChakra Vidhan, Nandeeshwar Vidhan and Mandal Vidhan.

The word Ashta meaning eight and Anhika meaning every day. When the festival falls in the months of Ashada and Phalgun, then the ritual is known as Nandeeshwar Ashtahnika. This ritual helps to gain greater spiritual insight, and wisdom. The observance of this ritual brings wish fulfilment for the devotees.