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Navy Day

Navy day is observed on December 4 every year to commemorate the launch of Operation Trident against Pakistan during the 71' Indo-Pak War. On the night of December 4-5, 1971, the Indian Navy planned the attack at night as Pakistan did not have aircraft's that could carry out bombings at night.

It was a devastating attack on Pakistan Naval Headquarters of Karachi. The attack was successful as it sank a minesweeper, a destroyer and an ammunition supply ship. Therefore to celebrate the success and achievements of the Indian navy force every year Navy day is celebrated.

Navy Day in India is celebrated on December. However, the day is celebrated all over the world on different dates.


Each year, a different theme is proposed to celebrate Navy Day.  A few themes are given here.

"Indian Navy Combat Ready, Credible & Cohesive".

"Indian Navy- Silent, Strong and Swift."

"Indian Navy, Mission-deployed and Combat-ready."


During Navy week and the days prior to that, various events take place such as an open sea swimming competition, ships are open for visitors and school children, there is a veteran sailors lunch, performances by the Naval Symphonic Orchestra take place, an Indian Navy Inter School Quiz Competition happens, a Navy Half Marathon, as well as an air display for school children and the beating retreat and tattoo ceremonies, happen.

Indian Navy Day Quotes

"A ship in port is safe; but that is not what ships are built for. Sail out to sea and do new things." -Admiral Grace Hopper

"The Navy has both a tradition and a future and we look with pride and confidence in both directions." -Arleigh Burke

"The Navy speaks in symbols and you may suit what meaning you choose to the words." -Patrick O'Brian

"A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace." -Theodore Roosevelt

"A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor." -Franklin D. Roosevelt