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Suttur Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswami Jayanti

“Education is a basic necessity to realise freedom and democracy.“ - Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji

Rajagurutilaka Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji, the 23rd pontiff of the Sri Mutt, was born on 29.8.1916 and ascended the holy seat on 24.02.1928 when he was hardly twelve years. He took up the responsibilities of the Math along with his guru Jagadguru Mantra Maharshi Shivaratheeshwara Mahaswamiji.

He was a firm believer in the good of one and all. He was at the helm of affairs of the Mutt for more than half a century, a period full of events and activities. He sought nothing but worked for the welfare of all.

Early Life

He completed his primary education at Suttur and took to studying Sanskrit in Mysuru at the tender age of eight. During this time, Swamiji used to engage in lengthy spiritual and academic discussions with spiritual leaders. With an aspiration to learn Sanskrit, Swamiji went to Varanasi. However, as per the desire of his predecessor His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Mahaswamiji and Sri Gowrishankara Mahaswamiji of Panchagavi Mutt, he returned to Mysore to continue studies and got himself engaged in social service also.

A scholar in Kannada and Sanskrit, Swamiji knew English also. He was a patron of arts and literature. He was thoughtful and sensitive to an astonishing level. Every step he took was a step forward in search of new areas of service. That is how he could build a galaxy of educational institutions.

Contribution to the Society

His Holiness started Niranjanalaya, a hostel (at his own residence) and educational institutions for needy students in Mysuru. He also established many Trusts and Societies which include the fields of Medicine, Rural Development, music, literature, etc. that catered to many social works.

Sri Rajendra Swamiji who succeeded the Mutt with a great legacy responded to the problems of inequality, poverty and misery in society. He started the JSS Mahavidyapeetha (1954) for providing education. He began Akshara Dasoha (education), Anna Dasoha (boarding and lodging) and hospitals for Arogya Dasoha (health services) that led to all-around social development. He was very compassionate to support the poor and the downtrodden and provided opportunities to thousands who needed shelter.

His Holiness attained heavenly abode on 6.12.1986, and his shrine can be visited at Suttur.

Sri Jayachamarajendra Wadiyar conferred on His Holiness the title of ‘Rajagurutilaka’ in 1953 as a recognition of his immense contribution to society. Posthumously, Sri Shivaratri Rajendra Mahaswamiji was awarded honorary doctorate by the University of Mysore in 1989.


  • Adijagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Shivayogi Mahaswamiji
  • Jagadguru Sri Ghanalingadeva Mahaswamiji
  • Jagadguru Manthra Maharshi Sri Shivarathreeshwara Mahaswamiji
  • Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji.
  • Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji