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Manvi Jagannathadasa Aradhana

Early Days

Sri Jagannatha Dasa was born on 27.07.1727 (Shravana Shudda Bidige, Keelaka Samvatsara) started teaching his shishyas at his own house at Byagavata initially. He was looking after the boarding and lodging facility of all his shishyas. He was a born as a rich Brahmin. Subsequently, with the increase in the number of disciples, he shifted his teaching place to Manvi. He was very well versed in Srimadacharyara Sarvamoola Granthas, Teekarayara Tippani Granthas, Vyasathraya and Sri Gururaja’s Parimala, etc.

Once Sri Vijayadasa had come to Manvi for Bhagavatha Mangala.  He had invited Sri Srinivasacharya for Theertha prasada.  At that time Sri Vijaya dasa was a great scholar in Haridasa Keerthane. Unfortunately, Sri Srinivasacharya had developed an intense dislike for Haridaasas, who he felt, were misrepresenting Dvaita philosophy.  He was a great sanskrit and dvaita scholar before getting Daasa Deekshya. He had ego about his knowledge and disliked the Haridasas of that time. Sri   Vijayadasa invited  Srinivasacharya to come for the theertha prasada and he  had accepted to attend for it and never turned up.  So, Vijayadasa had sent his disciple to bring Srinivasacharya.

But Srinivasacharya refused to come saying he is suffering from stomach problem.   After Srinivasacharya failed to turn up, Vijayadasa had the theertha prasada. From that day, Srinivasa developed intense stomach problems which grew worse by the day, finally reaching unbearable condition. Srinivasa went to Tirupathi, Ghatikaachala and Mantralaya, performing intense Seva to Thimmappa, Narasimha Devaru, Vaayu Devaru and Sri Raya.  None of this helped in improving his health condition.  Day by day, his health grew bad to worse. He even thought of commiting suicide.

Sri Raya appeared in his dream and asked him to go to Sri Vijayadasa, who in turn, re-directed him to go to Gopaladasa.  Sri Gopaladasa as per instructions of Vijaya Dasa, donated 40 years of his Ayushya (life) to Srinivasacharya. Deeply affected by the events in his recent past, Srinivasacharya, decided to become a Haridaasa. Sri Gopala daasaru gave him Haridaasa Deekshe and directed him to Pandarapur for ankitha. There Srinivasacharya,  found a stone bearing the words “Jagannatha Vittala”. From that day, he started composing devotional works with that ankitha. He became renowned as Jagannatha Daasaru.


A) Harikathamruthasara is regarded as a great authority and standard work of reference based on Srimad bhagavatha Dharma, by adherents of Dasa Koota.  Harikathamruthasara deals with Kakshya, Vyapthi and all information which has been conveyed in Bhagavatha.

B) Thathvasuvvali – which contains various shlokas in kannada, dashavatara varnana, mayavada khandana in Kannada

C) Suladigalu – He has written many suladees

D) Ugabogalu – He has written many ugabogas with four tstanzaa   

E) Devaranamagalu – Hundreds of devaranamas he has written on various aspects of Bhakthi, Jnana and Vairagya.

His devotees assemble and celebrate his aradhana with devotion in many places on Bhadrapada Shudda Navami.