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Hubli Siddharudha Punyadina

Hubli, the humble little town of Karnataka, houses the famous Siddharudha Mutt (mutt) that holds a unique significance in Modern Hinduism. This famous tourist spot is a renowned Hindu holy center. It was built in the year 1929 where Sri Siddharudha took Samadhi, to honor him.

Hubli Chandramouleshwara Temple

Sri Siddharudha had taught philosophy there, and even till today his devotees gather annually to celebrate Maha Shivratri in a big way at the Mutt. Earlier in 1919 and 1924, the Mutt was visited by Lokmanya Gangadhar Tilak and Mahatma Gandhi respectively.

Sri Siddharudha

Sadguru Siddharudha always condemned castes and believed that everybody was equally entitled. He gladly led the life of an ascetic. At the tender age of six, he left his home, family and worldly comforts with a purpose. He was believed to be the incarnation of Shiva, the popular Trinity deity of the Hindus. He wanted to seek the spiritual master, commonly called the Sadguru. For this, he became a student while serving at the ashram of Shri Gajadandaswami. He happened to be blessed by his master after and he took up a pilgrimage in order to help those in need and gain enlightenment in their paths.

He travelled from the North down South of the country with the idea of spiritual awakening. Finally, he settled down in Hubli. People including followers and devotees started reaching out to him for seeking solace, attaining mental satisfaction and gaining spiritual enlightenment. The Siddharudha Mutt happens to be built at the place where he died in Hubli in 1929. His aradhana or punyadina is held on this day by a large number of devotees.