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Prathama Ekadashi

Devashayani Ekadashi is also known by the name Ashada Shukla Paksha Ekadashi, Ashadi Ekadashi, Hari Shayani Ekadashi, Maha-Ekadashi and Prathama Ekadashi. Chaturmasa, the holy period of four months when Lord Vishnu goes to sleep usually begins after Devashayani Ekadashi.

Devashayani Ekadashi usually begins days after the Puri Rath Yatra. Padarpur Yatra in Maharashtra too concludes on this day. Pilgrims in Maharashtra observe Devashayani Ekadashi with religious fervor. Main celebration occurs in Lord Vittal temple. Lord Vittal is considered an incarnation of Lord Krishna.

Historical Significance

Religious scriptures have it that the significance of Devashayani Ekadashi was first explained by Lord Krishna to Yudhisthira. A King by the name of Mandata had to face drought for three years in a row in his kingdom. This created a precarious condition and the residents of the kingdom had to face hard times. Rivers dried out and man and animal suffered immensely. The King saddened by the happenings in his kingdom embarked on a journey to seek some solution for his people.

The King wished to appease the Rain Gods and met Rishi Angirasa to seek a solution. The King was supposed to keep a fast on Devashayani Ekadashi along with the entire population of the kingdom as advised by the rishi. Lord Vishnu blessed the kingdom and heavy rains occurred following the religious devotion shown by the King and his peasants. With rains came prosperity and the people lived happily thereafter.

It became a ritual since then to fast on this auspicious day as this brought prosperity and luck to those who showed religious devotion.

Devashayani Ekadashi Celebrations

Devotees get divine blessings of Lord Vishnu on Devashayani Ekadashi if they observe the day with utmost devotion. An ardent devotee is able to attain salvation if fasting is done in true earnest. Fasting on Devashayani Ekadashi helps devotees fulfill their wishes and help them attain freedom from any of the sins they have committed in the past.

Fasting on Devashayani Ekadashi also helps one strengthen the self control and become emotionally stable. Many devotees of Vishnu fast for two consecutive days. However, the fasting on the second day is suggested only for those who wish to attain Sanyas (salvation) in the long run. Widows and those looking forward to attain Moksha too can go for the second day fast in Devashayani Ekadashi.