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Vasavi Agnipravesha Dina

Sri Vasavi Maatha is hailed with veneration for promoting peace and Ahimsa during the 11th century AD. She is credited with averting war and thereby saving many lives through logic and reason and overcoming brute force. She taught the world harming oneself or others isn't the way forward but bringing a change of heart is what matters in averting wars.

She is elevated with heavenly stature as a goddess amongst some sections of the Komti community and for some of these sections has become the "Kula Daiva" or the caste goddess as per the various versions of Vasavi Puranamulu written in Telugu during the 18th century AD.


Jaina Komtis venerate her as Shanti Matha Vasavi who promoted Ahimsa for the benefit of all mankind and averted warfare and loss of life through peace and reason. Her actions brought a change of heart in the King who repented and became a Jain Monk handing over his kingdom to his son.

Story of Vasavi

Shaivate tradition of the story mentions the Kanyaka as Kanyaka Parameshwari who cursed a king and killed him. She later showed herself as an incarnation of Parvati and went to Kailasa marrying Shiva who was worshipped as Nagareshwara. This tradition is more common among-st Beri Komatis and Gavara Komatis or Arya Vysys's whose family deity is Shiva.

This version has further evolved in recent years where the orthodox sections have dropped even the name Vasavi and only call her Kanyaka Parameshwari.

Vaishnavite Tradition

According to Vaishnavite Tradition Kanyaka is not associated with Parameshwari but as an incarnation of goddess Laxmi.

Kusuma Sresti, the king of the Arya Vysyas was ruling the kingdom making Vasavi Penugonda Kusumamba was his wife. His kingdom was part and parcel of Vengidesha, which was ruled by Vishnu Vardhana-7 or Vimaladitya Maharaj.

The couple were childless and became concerned about who would succeed them. During the auspicious hour, Kusuma Sresti couple started Puthra Kamestiyaga. Within a few days the sign of pregnancy was found with Kusumamba. She expressed unusual desires, which indicated that she would give birth to children who would fight for the welfare of all.


Kusumamba gave birth to twins on 10th of Vaishakha (a Telugu month). The boy was called Virupaksha, and the girl Vasavamba. During childhood, Virupaksha demonstrated leadership qualities while Vasavamba was inclined towards art, architecture and music and showed a philosophical approach to life.

Under the guidance of the Vysya kula guru Bhaskaracharya, Virupaksha learnt Vedas, fencing, horse riding, martial arts and archery. Vasavamba studied fine arts and mastered philosophical subjects.

Attempted marriage

Kusumasresti welcomed and entertained Vishnu Vardhna (Gandharva Chitra Kanta's incarnation on Bhoolok) at Penugonda and noticed Vasavamba and determined to marry her. This caused Kusumasresti a dilemma: The disparities of age and caste, as well as the fact that the emperor was already married, were significant objections, but, in consultation with advisers and family members, Kusumasresti decided that Vasavamba should make up her own mind. Her response to was express a desire never to marry and to focus her life on less worldly issues.

Kusumasresti told Vardhana of his daughter's decision, which caused a fury and an attempt to capture Vasavamba by force. The battalion sent to achieve this aim was thwarted by the Vysyas of Penugonda.

Bhaskaracharya told retaining respect was of greater significance than protecting life, and Kusumasresti was inspired by this support. Thus, the unity of the Vysyas was broken and the 102 gotras prepared for the defence of Penugonda against further attacks by Vardhana.

Vasavi entered and said: "We can control war through non-violence and self-sacrifice. Vasavi's new idea was delightful and her parents decided to act in accordance with Vasavi's directions.

Athmam Balidhana

As per the directions of Parameshwari, at the holy place of Brahmakunda on the banks of Godavari, the royal servants arranged 103 Agnikundas (fire pits) in a special way. Then Parameshwari asked the couples of the 102 Gotras: "Will you plunge into this holy fire along with me?" Everyone of them whole heartedly gave their consent.

She smiled and revealed her true self and said: "I am the incarnation of Adi Parashakti. To safeguard the caste system. I come here in Kali Yuga. Kusumasresty during last birth was a great Saint by name Samadhi as per his aspirations he could attain salvation along with the people of 102 Gotras. That is why I asked you all to undergo Athmam Balidhana." Parameshwari advised the gathering about Feeding Bramhins, Practising Rituals, Agriculture, and Cow Worship.

Devi disappeared. Vishnuvardhana reached the main entrance of Penugonda. He fell down vomiting blood and he was no more.

Sri Vasavi Devi's legacy

Vasavi's life is worth remembering because of her faith in non-violent religious values and her defense of the status of women. She averted the needless loss of life of many people of her community / kingdom through the Supreme sacrifice of sacrificing one's life through "Sati" or "Self-Immolation".