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Suttur Shivarathreeshwara CF

The annual Jatra Mahotsava of Adi Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Shivayogi is held at Suttur Srishektra every year, commencing from Pushya Bahula Dwadashi and ending on Magha Shuddha Bidige. Lakhs of people gather for this occasion, from all parts of Karnataka and neighbouring states. People from nearby villages play an active role in these celebrations. Anna Dasoha (providing of free meals) is organised for all the devotees during the entire Jatra period.

Activities such as poojas, sports for the young, cattle fair, health check-up camps, art competitions, cultural and scientific exhibitions and agricultural crop demonstrations take place. In the evening, cultural programmes by performing artists are held to entertain and educate the public.

The Jatra is an assembly of people immersed in faith, devotion, oneness and celestial bliss.