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Meena Sankramana

Significance and Celebrations

Several other forms of Sankramana or Sankramana too are celebrated with great importance given to each festival as per the respective months. Depending upon the sun’s transition from one phase to another, the Sankramanas have been highlighted. As per the transitional phases experienced with sun in the crux, Meena Sankramana attains a unique significance. Perhaps, it is regarded as the twelfth and final month of the Hindu calendar. More specifically, the sun enters into the Aries zodiac sign from the Pisces (Mesha from Meena) with which people consider the event to be most auspicious.


Donating special things on this specific day is considered to be attaining more significance reflecting Meena Sankramana as quite auspicious. Most of the people are known to donate land in order to experience happiness apart from divine blessings. It is strongly believed that best luck is realized by all those who donate land and other valuables to the poor. In fact, donations are offered by others who wish prosperity for themselves and for their relatives and friends as well. South Indians consider Meena Sankramana to be most auspicious as far as seeking a wish is considered.

Celebrating the grand occasion of Meena Sankramana all over India, the locals get enchanted with the exclusive feelings they experience on the whole. Temples across the country are perfectly adorned to observe the occasion with a lot of pomp and fervor. Colorful diyas and flowers are used to decorate the deity and temple premises in a hugely attractive way. There are sixteen Ghatis that are regarded as extremely auspicious in the aftermath of the sun’s perfect transition from one sign to another.