Rituals: Kotarotsava is set apart exclusiveley for thiruvaimoli
(1000 stanzas) recited by the great vaishnava saint Nammalwar. Inagurution of
the festival begins with Ankurarpanam. In front of vadantadeshika’s temple a
procession will be held near Kotara mantapa in the evening. Subsequetly Sri
Chaluvanarayana swamy will also be pleased at the mantap. Pooja for Deities and
alwar’s will be offered.
On the fourth day of utsava “Orunayaham” stanzas to
Thirunarayana swamy will be recited with explanation by Areyar swamy. Utasav
continuous all ten days.
On the ending day all Alwar’s will be decorated in Holy as
in Sri Vaikunta. Then Nammalwar will be taken in hand with all honours and will
be made to sit at the lotus feet of Lord. This is an unique festival known as “Alwar
For more information click here