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Sankasht Chaturthi

Sankasht Chaturthi, or Ganesh Sankatahara Chaturti, is dedicated to Hindu God Ganesha. Ganesha devotees observe Sankasht Chaturti day from sunrise till the sighting of the moon. The day falls on the fourth day during the waning phase of moon or Krishna Paksha in a Hindu lunar month.

Sankasht Chaturthi vrat and puja is mentioned in the Bavishyat Purana and Narasimha Purana. The devotees who observe Sankasht Chaturti vrat wake up early in the morning and take a holy bath. Devotees observe fast for the whole day, they generally do it during the evenings. Lord Ganesh’s idol is beautifully decorated and Durva grass and fresh flowers are offered to the Lord. Prasad like modak is offered.

A vrat katha is usually read aloud at the end of the puja. The devotees chant the mantras and strotas specific to Lord Ganesh. Fast is concluded after seeing the moon God.

Fasting Rules: The devotees first observe a full fast from morning to evening and perform the Ganesh puja during the evening time. After the puja, moon god is sighted and offerings are made to the moon god. The fast concludes after this procedure. Milk and fruits are taken, if complete fast seems not possible.

Interesting Story: A sage named Bhrushundi who had an elephant trunk due to constant thinking of Lord Ganesh. He was known to be powerful because of his devotion and therefore a lot of people visited him to receive his blessings. Lord Indra one day came to visit the sage and was returning to his abode in his celestial flight. As he flew on the kingdom of King Shursen, a sinner in the kingdom looked at Indra’s flight and therefore the flight landed on the ground losing its power due to the sinful look. King Shursen ran as fast as he can to greet Indra and received his blessings. Indra said due to the sinful look cast by a sinner in his kingdom his flight lost its power and therefore he needed to recharge it with some Punya (merits) to get it flying once again. The previous day was Sankasht Chaturthi. Therefore Indra said if anyone in the kingdom who attained Punya (merit) due to observing the Sankasht Chaturthi vrat could give the merits to him, the flight would fly once again. The soldiers searched the kingdom and found none had observed the vrat.

During that time, the soldiers of Lord Ganesh were carrying a sinner who had died that morning to Svananda Loka (abode of Lord Ganesh). Indra asked why the sinner is being carried. The soldiers replied that the sinner had fallen sick the previous day (Sankasht Chaturthi) and therefore had not eaten anything for the whole day till she died in the morning. Therefore though she fasted unintentionally on the day, she had attained a lot of merits enough to wash all her sins and earn a place in the abode of Ganesh. During this time, the air that touched the body of the sinner touched the plane of Indra and the plane started flying once again.

Thus, it is said that the merits of observing Sankasht Chaturti are enormous. 

Vrat Vidhi:

  • The first step is to rise up early in the morning, and then you should do your Sankalpa. Also, to have a positive frame of mind, you should practice meditation.
  • Your fast should start from the morning and end after the puja vidhi is over. One more thing to keep in mind is, even after breaking the fast you should stay away from consuming any kind of cereal.
  • During the period, a small puja to worship Lord Ganesha takes place. Chant the holy mantras and offer prayers to invoke divine blessings for smoothly running everyone’s lives.
  • After the puja ends, you should dedicate your offerings to the moon.

Benefits and advantages of performing the Vrat:

Sankat means problems and Hara means destroyer. Therefore the word Sankathara means one who is the destroyer of problems. We know our dear Ganpati is our knight in shining armor who graciously keeps us away from difficult situations. He is the one who removes the obstacles from our journey of life so that we can attain success in all our endeavors.

Here are some Benefits and Beliefs:

  • The person observing the Vrat will thus benefit from the Lord’s blessings and he will thrive in his personal and professional life.
  • Also, a woman who is not able to conceive can observe the fast too. She will overcome her infertility issues if she follows this ritual and observes the fast with full devotion.
  • A married couple whose relationship is going through a rough patch, discord, and difficulty, they should also pray to the Lord and observe the fast. This will bring back marital peace and unity.

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