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Global Family Day

Global Family Day is an international day of peace & sharing celebrated on January 1, by the citizens of the world. It is a day where individuals and families share food with friends (especially the needy), make personal pledges of non-violence and spread a message of peace & sharing by ringing bells or beating a drum in the hope of making society & the world a safer place to live.

Global Family Day is celebrated each year on 1st January, but since it is something that evolved almost spontaneously, it is hard to pin down its actual origins.1st January has always been regarded as a day of new beginnings. It has also traditionally come to be a day to consider ways of promoting peace, both within local communities and in the wider world.

In November 1997 the UN General Assembly made a declaration that the first year of the new millennium should see the launch of an International Decade for the Culture of Peace and non-violence for the Children of the World and that the decade should be ushered in by "One Day of Peace".